The following sessions were given during Jazoon 09, on Wednesdaythe 24th of Ju ne 2009, vous pouvez lire la traduction en français sur le blog de Valtech
- 1 Danny Coward Keynote, 9:00 – 10:00
- 2 OSGi and Java Modularity, 10:30 – 11:20, by Peter Kriens
- 3 Next generation Wikis: Mixing Content-Oriented Applications with Wikis, 11:30 – 12:20, by Vincent Massol
- 4 JavaFX Rich Internet Applications connected to GlassFish Java EE 5 services, 16:00-16:20, by Ludovic Champenois – Sun Microsystems
- 5 JavaFX / Android: Competing technologies or the ideal partnership? , 16:30 – 16:50 by Mike Mannion and Andreas Hölzl
Danny Coward Keynote, 9:00 – 10:00
Java 7
Description of the new features in Java SE 7 : modularity, ?. operator, new API for (Path, Asynchronous FileVisitor),
Java FX
The new version is 1.2, running on all OSes (even Linux and Solaris, a TV, some phones to come out), more UI components (skinnable with CSS) , new layouts, better performance; then Danny showed the audience some JavaFX applications : a pacman application, a video player, with some nice visual effects …
OSGi and Java Modularity, 10:30 – 11:20, by Peter Kriens
If you think your application is modular only by using the VM, well, think again…
You can’t hide interfaces in the classsloader, and if there are no enforcements of rules at runtime, it’s uselesse to try to make these interfaces secrets…
In OSGi, you can set secret interfaces (not exported) and also use MANIFESTs to explicitely specify exports.
With an OSGi bundle (a jar actually, with its MANIFEST), you can dynamically specify which others bundles it can depend on, if one of the bundle you depend on is no more available, OSGi will remove the dependency; then it will put it back when the bundle is available again.
The problem is : many implementations of modularity exist and JSR 294 do not specify a particular one … From a programmer point of view, you will have to choose between OSGi, Jigsaw, guice, the modularity implementation you want to use …
Next generation Wikis: Mixing Content-Oriented Applications with Wikis, 11:30 – 12:20, by Vincent Massol
Wiki 1.0 : just used for text
Wiki 2.0 : you can add everything : images, videos, comments, notes, etc.., the datas can be structured, unstructured or mashups (datas coming from everywhere) the wiki 2.0 is the excell… of the web !
After presenting a demo showing us the possibility in Xwiki to define in 10 minutes (knowing velocity or groovy syntax) an application hosted on the wiki, Vincent listed the Xwiki features and the new features to come : real time collaboration, mobile skin, social features and … merge of CMS and wikis.
JavaFX Rich Internet Applications connected to GlassFish Java EE 5 services, 16:00-16:20, by Ludovic Champenois – Sun Microsystems
First of all, Ludovic showed us the GlassFish v3 admin console (looks good !) and reminded us with REST (standard HTTP methods, resources, etc…), and the REST annotations in Java EE6.
Why ? because the example given during his demonstration is communicating with a JAX-RS Java EE6 application, hosted by Glassfish V3.
To test the REST application, you can simply use : curl -HAccept:application/xml http://localhost/domain, or use your browser or use Glassfish v3 Admin Backend Tester.
And then, down to the JavaFx application code, using Netbeans, only 15 lines of code are necessary to consume the REST service.
TO finish with, Ludovic showed us some other JavaFX demo applications.
JavaFX / Android: Competing technologies or the ideal partnership? , 16:30 – 16:50 by Mike Mannion and Andreas Hölzl
Presented as a theater play : 2 guys talking about phone technologies around a coffee : one is a JavaFX supporter, the other is an Android supporter.
They then compared a similar application (using Flickr, Lastfm, youtube web services): developed both for JavaFx and the Android Platform.
*UI : JavaFX needs UI designed by designers, Android defines it in an extermal layout XML file
*UI (2) : Android provides a richer API, providing a photo gallery for example, JavaFX does not…
*language : you have to learn JavaFX script for JavaFX, Android uses Java 5 API (with some restrictions…, for example it does not use AWT or Swing for graphics)
They also told us that Sun is not clearly decided about supporting Android : they said that they were thinking about it… but since then (a year ago) nothing came out !
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