Tous les articles par Anthony Dahanne

As a Java / JEE Software Engineer, working as a consultant for different clients (from banks to tour operators); I recently discovered agility and I'm working on applying the major agility guidelines such as continuous integration, TDD, and Scrum. Feel free to contact me !

Creating and applying a patch for an Eclipse project with Git

Since its move to git, contributing to the Eclipse foundation projects is a bit different.

Nothing terrible actually, let’s take the example of a contribution to the p2 project (part of the equinox umbrella at the Eclipse foundation)

  • Checkout the project

  • do the changes and then commit them to your local repo (you can perform this step several times)

  • create the patch against the master branch

You  will get a file for each commit you submitted, so one commit =  one patch file.

You can attach your patch(es) to a bugzilla entry, for example , make p2 buildable with tycho (click on one of the patches)

  • what an eclipse committer will do then , is apply your patch to its local repo to test everything is ok

That’s pretty much it ! A bit more tedious than a Github pull request, but it does the job !