Investigating how to use shared volumes with Docker (Swarm), I decided to take a look at NFS volumes, since this is probably the most used on premises way to share folders.
With Docker, you have 3 different syntaxes to mount NFS volumes :
- simple container (via docker volume create + docker run)
- single service (via docker service create)
- complete stack (docker deploy -f stack.yml)
I actually had some trouble mounting NFS volumes, especially with images that COPY files into declared volumes.
So, without further ado…
Let’s start creating a folder under our nfs share (/nfs)
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#(host) mkdir /nfs/test #(host) ls -al drwxr-xr-x 2 nfsnobody nfsnobody 4096 Nov 18 18:37 test #(host) touch /nfs/test/hello-test |
Now we have a file named « hello-test » under /nfs/test/
Let’s create a new docker volume linked to this nfs share, and then let’s spin up a new container that mounts this volume :
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#(host) docker volume create --driver local --opt type=nfs --opt,rw --opt device=:/nfs/test test test #(host) docker run --rm -it -v test:/data alpine #(container) touch /data/hello-from-container #(container) ls -al /data -rw-r--r-- 1 nobody nobody 0 Nov 19 02:44 hello-from-container -rw-r--r-- 1 nobody nobody 0 Nov 19 02:43 hello-test #(host) ls -al /nfs/test/ -rw-r--r-- 1 nfsnobody nfsnobody 0 Nov 18 18:44 hello-from-container -rw-r--r-- 1 nfsnobody nfsnobody 0 Nov 18 18:43 hello-test |
So far, so good ! (did you notice the host root user mapping to nfsnobody and the container root user mapping to nobody? we’ll come back to this a bit later)
Things unfortunately get weirder when you mount to a defined VOLUME location.
For example, with this Dockerfile :
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FROM alpine VOLUME /data |
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#(host) docker build -t volume:defined . #(host) docker run --rm -it -v test:/data alpine |
Everything works great.
Now if you try to do the same thing with an image that copied something to this volume :
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FROM alpine VOLUME /data/ COPY empty.file /data/empty.file |
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#(host) docker build -t volume:defined-with-copy . |
and try to map /data to the nfs volume, this time you’ll get :
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#(host) docker run --rm -it -v test:/data volume:defined-with-copy docker: Error response from daemon: chown /var/lib/docker/volumes/test/_data: operation not permitted. |
To get out of this issue, you need the nocopy option :
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#(host) docker run --rm -it -v test:/data:nocopy volume:defined-with-copy #(container) ls -al /data -rw-r--r-- 1 nobody nobody 0 Nov 19 02:44 hello-from-container -rw-r--r-- 1 nobody nobody 0 Nov 19 02:43 hello-test |
Notice how the original empty.file from the Docker file was « nocopy »ed
So we got away with our issue, well, except something that was provided by the image (empty.file), is not anymore…
Let’s clean up first the previous experimentation
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docker volume rm test test |
and move on to services.
This use case is more interesting than the previous one, since you only need to mount once to the service, and the volume will be mounted to any container created by this service, on any host part of the swarm. (here the service will just ls /data; by the way, don’t try to do anything fancy in entrypoint overriding from a service creation – the parsed command is … not obvious…)
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# docker service create --mount 'type=volume,src=test,volume-driver=local,dst=/data/,volume-opt=type=nfs,volume-opt=device=:/nfs/test,' --name test --entrypoint=ls volume:defined /data/ |
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# docker service logs -f test test.1.4wteqs8zsd99@worker01 | hello-from-container test.1.4wteqs8zsd99@worker01 | hello-test |
So far so good, but now with the infamous VOLUME with copy :
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docker service create --mount 'type=volume,src=test,volume-driver=local,dst=/data/,volume-opt=type=nfs,volume-opt=device=:/nfs/test,' --name test --entrypoint=ls volume:defined-with-copy /data/ |
The service won’t create the container ! To see that, use service ps :
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# docker service ps test --no-trunc ID NAME IMAGE NODE DESIRED STATE CURRENT STATE ERROR PORTS i3 test.1 volume:defined-with-copy worker01 Ready Rejected 2 seconds ago "chown /data/docker/volumes/test/_data: operation not permitted" |
So adding a volume-nocopy=true should solve the issue :
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# docker service create --mount 'type=volume,src=test,volume-driver=local,dst=/data/,volume-nocopy=true,volume-opt=type=nfs,volume-opt=device=:/nfs/test,' --name test --entrypoint=ls volume:defined-with-copy /data/ |
Since, per the documentation :
« By default, if you attach an empty volume to a container, and files or directories already existed at the mount-path in the container (dst), the Engine copies those files and directories into the volume, allowing the host to access them. Set volume-nocopy
to disables copying files from the container’s filesystem to the volume and mount the empty volume. A value is optional: »
and indeed, the service is now started :
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# docker service logs -f test test.1.on5ahp585oqy@worker01 | hello-from-container test.1.on5ahp585oqy@worker01 | hello-test |
now, to have this service interact with others, let’s create a stack
To create a stack, we’ll create a docker-compose.yml file this time :
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version: '3.4' networks: terracotta-net: driver: overlay volumes: test: driver: local driver_opts: type: nfs o:,rw device: ":/nfs/test" services: producer: image : volume:defined-with-copy command: | /bin/sh -c " while true; do touch /data/hello-from-producer; echo '/data/hello-from-producer written'; sleep 5; rm /data/hello-from-producer; echo '/data/hello-from-producer deleted'; sleep 5; done " volumes: - type: volume source: test target: /data volume: nocopy: true consumer: image : volume:defined-with-copy command : | /bin/sh -c " while true; do ls -al /data/; sleep 1; done " volumes: - type: volume source: test target: /data volume: nocopy: true |
So a producer will write a file to the nfs share, and a consumer will ls -al the folder where the file is supposed to be written to; let’s deploy it and see how well that goes :
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# docker stack deploy test --compose-file docker-compose.yml Creating network test_default Creating service test_producer Creating service test_consumer # docker service logs -f test_producer test_producer.1@worker01 | /data/hello-from-producer written test_producer.1@worker01 | /data/hello-from-producer deleted [...] # docker service logs -f test_consumer test_consumer.1@worker02 | drwxr-xr-x 2 nobody nobody 4096 Nov 20 04:39 . test_consumer.1@worker02 | drwxr-xr-x 19 root root 218 Nov 20 04:39 .. test_consumer.1@worker02 | total 4 test_consumer.1@worker02 | drwxr-xr-x 2 nobody nobody 4096 Nov 20 04:40 . test_consumer.1@worker02 | drwxr-xr-x 19 root root 218 Nov 20 04:40 .. test_consumer.1@worker02 | -rw-r--r-- 1 nobody nobody 0 Nov 20 04:40 hello-from-producer test_consumer.1@worker02 | total 4 [...] |
So that worked pretty well : you’ll notice the nocopy syntax that is this time :
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volumes: - type: volume source: test target: /data volume: nocopy: true |
If you make the mistake of putting it like this :
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volumes: - type: volume source: test target: /data:nocopy |
you’ll probably end up with :
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worker01 Shutdown Failed 19 seconds ago "starting container failed: error while mounting volume '/var/lib/docker/volumes/test_test/_data': error while mounting volume with options: type='nfs' device=':/nfs/test:nocopy' o='addr=',rw': no such file or directory" |
since there is no folder named /nfs/test:nocopy !
Was that so terrible ?
Well, the different syntaxes are a bit confusing, and the error messages sometimes are…
Oh, I almost forgot, about the users ownerships : if you run an image that creates a new user and uses this owner to start the process that will write the file to the NFS share : well, according to your NFS share setup, it could be that the user created in the container could map to … a whole different user than nfsnobody !
In that case make sure all your images create this user the same way on Docker nodes that are configured the same, so that they’ll all interact nicely with the NFS share !
Special thanks to my colleague Akom who helped me debug those error messages along the way !
One problem with this is when you go to create a replica of your service the nfs volume will not carry to other nodes. Wherever the original service is created will be the only node with a working nfs volume. If you want nfs volumes on other nodes you need to create them before replicating to other nodes.
right, you’re correct.
I guess that would only be usable if somehow all the nodes are created equal (using puppet/chef/etc.) and mounting the nfs share in the same way.